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Westhouses Community Association Mosaic Workshop

Last month we were able to use some of our funding to bring in mosaic expert Sophie Robbins to show us a brand new skill. Our aim is to create a noticeboard about our community garden using mosaic and inviting local residents to help in the making process.

But first of all we had to learn the basics ourselves.

Sophie talked us through the materials she uses, where to buy the materials, the method, and how to get the best out of it. She created some animal shapes out of exterior tile board for our bases and we worked in pairs to cut, arrange, then attach the broken pieces of tile, crockery, and glass pieces:

We used a cement mixture to stick on each individual tile, leaving a small gap to grout later:

We left them to dry for a few days, then when we got back together we could grout them.

Here are the finished pieces which we are really happy with:

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